Everyone is familiar with fear. Whether it’s rollercoasters, snakes, or the Blair Witch Project, fear is a completely normal response to stressful situations.
Some of our fears are deeply rooted. While our ancestors may not have had rollercoasters to contend with, an innate fear of snakes, for example, could have saved their lives.
Whether it’s snakes, spiders, or heights, sometimes fears are rational. But phobias are not. A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Phobias affect millions of people worldwide — and over one in ten Americans will suffer from a specific phobia in their lifetime.
While the origins of specific phobias are complex, one intriguing question that arises is whether genetics play a role in predisposing individuals to develop phobias. In this blog post, we'll delve into the various factors that contribute to the development of phobias, with a particular focus on the genetic influences behind these debilitating fears.

Are Phobias Genetic?
Research suggests that genetic factors can play a role in predisposing individuals to develop phobias. Individuals with a family history of anxiety disorders or specific phobias are more likely to develop phobias themselves, indicating that there may be genetic variations or vulnerabilities that increase susceptibility to phobic reactions.
Studies of twins have shown that when one twin has a phobia, it’s likely the other will share that phobia, suggesting that genetics plays a role in the development of a phobia. Of course, this is caveated with the fact that most twins are exposed to similar experiences throughout their lives, as well as sharing genetics.
So while genetics may play a role, there are many causes of these conditions. The cause of a phobia is usually a complex interplay between genetic predispositions and environmental factors.
What Causes Phobias?
Phobias can arise from a combination of trauma and environmental, evolutionary, and genetic factors. Understanding these underlying causes helps individuals to gain insights into the origins of phobias and develop effective treatment strategies.
Environmental Causes of Phobias:
Environmental factors, such as traumatic experiences or learned behaviors, can significantly contribute to the development of phobias. For example, individuals who have experienced a traumatic event related to a specific object or situation may develop a phobia as a result of associating that stimulus with fear and danger.
It makes sense — if you witnessed a plane crash or were in a car accident, you would probably want to avoid those situations in the future.
Similarly, phobias can be learned through observation or conditioning, where individuals acquire fear responses by witnessing others' fearful reactions or experiencing negative consequences themselves. If a parent is excessively afraid of spiders, for example, it would be easy for a child to learn that fear and acquire arachnophobia, with or without the presence of a genetic predisposition.
Evolutionary Causes of Phobias:
Evolutionary psychology suggests that certain phobias may have adaptive origins, stemming from our ancestors' survival instincts.
For instance, common phobias such as fear of heights (acrophobia) or fear of snakes (ophidiophobia) may have evolved as a protective mechanism to avoid potential dangers in the environment. Individuals who were more cautious of heights or predators were more likely to survive, leading to the prevalence of these phobias in modern humans.
Common phobias usually have some basis in the reality of danger. Few people are afraid of clouds or the color green, but the fear of deep water, insects, and spiders is prevalent.
Genetic Causes:
Research on twins has found a strong chance of shared phobias, which indicates that genetic factors can play a part in the development of phobias. However, the specific genetic mechanisms underlying phobias remain poorly understood.
It's essential to recognize that genetics alone do not determine the development of phobias and studies have suggested that, at most, genetics can be 50% responsible for the development of a phobia. Genetic susceptibility interacts with environmental factors to influence an individual's risk of developing a phobia.
Additional Phobia Risk Factors
In addition to genetic predispositions, several other risk factors may increase an individual's susceptibility to developing phobias. These include:
Childhood experiences: Early childhood experiences and upbringing can shape an individual's vulnerability to developing phobias later in life. Factors such as parenting style, attachment patterns, and exposure to stressful or chaotic environments can influence the development of anxiety and fear-related disorders.
Traumatic experiences: Traumatic events, such as accidents, natural disasters, or physical assaults, can significantly increase the risk of developing phobias. The intensity and duration of the trauma, as well as individual factors such as resilience and coping mechanisms, play a crucial role in determining the likelihood of developing a phobia.
Personality traits: Certain personality traits, such as neuroticism or behavioral inhibition, are associated with an increased risk of developing phobias. Individuals who are prone to negative emotions, worry, or avoidance behaviors may be more susceptible to developing phobic reactions to specific stimuli.
Brain chemistry: Imbalances in neurotransmitters and brain chemicals, such as serotonin and dopamine, have been implicated in the development of anxiety disorders, including phobias. Disruptions in the brain's fear circuitry and amygdala function may contribute to heightened fear responses and phobic reactions in susceptible individuals.
Behavioral Changes: Adapting your behavior to avoid uncomfortable situations can allow phobias to develop. While avoiding stressful stimuli might seem like a safe solution, it allows your fear to grow and develop into a phobia.
This explains why the gold standard treatment for phobias is exposure therapy: gradual exposure to stressful situations can reprogram your mind and help overcome your fears.
Specific Phobia Treatment
At oVRcome, our virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) combines the gold standard treatments for specific phobias: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy. It’s clinically proven and allows you to tackle your phobias in the safety and comfort of your own home.
oVRcome lets you get started right away with in-app CBT. Once your VR headset arrives you can begin graded exposure therapy with a personalized treatment plan that identifies your specific triggers.
Signing Off
While the origins of phobias are complex and multifaceted, genetic factors can play a role in predisposing individuals to develop these debilitating fears.
However, genetic susceptibility interacts with environmental influences, traumatic experiences, and other risk factors to shape an individual's risk of developing a phobia.
Whether your phobia emerged from genetic or environmental factors, blaming your parents’ genes isn’t going to help. But oVRcome’s specialized VRET program can.
Ready to get started? Try our free phobia test today to find out if oVRcome might be right for you.
What causes a phobia?
Phobias can develop from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Traumatic experiences, learned behaviors, and genetic predispositions can all play a role in the development of phobias.
Can you inherit phobias from your parents?
There is some evidence to suggest that phobias can have a genetic component. While phobias themselves are not directly inherited, genetic factors can predispose individuals to develop certain fears or anxiety disorders, which may increase the likelihood of inheriting phobias indirectly.
Can fear be passed down genetically?
Research indicates that there may be a genetic component to fear and anxiety. Certain genetic variations can influence how individuals respond to fearful or stressful situations, potentially predisposing them to develop specific fears or anxiety disorders.
Are phobias genetic or developed?
Phobias can be both genetic and developed. While genetic factors may predispose individuals to certain fears or anxiety disorders, phobias often develop as a result of environmental factors, such as traumatic experiences or learned behaviors. Additionally, personality traits and cognitive factors can also contribute to the development of phobias.
Sources and further reading:
Sawyers C, Ollendick T, Brotman MA, Pine DS, Leibenluft E, Carney DM, Roberson-Nay R, Hettema JM. The genetic and environmental structure of fear and anxiety in juvenile twins. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2019 Apr;180(3):204-212. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32714. Epub 2019 Feb 1. PMID: 30708402; PMCID: PMC6414251.
Villafuerte S, Burmeister M. Untangling genetic networks of panic, phobia, fear and anxiety. Genome Biol. 2003;4(8):224. doi: 10.1186/gb-2003-4-8-224. Epub 2003 Jul 28. PMID: 12914652; PMCID: PMC193636.
Lacey C, Frampton C, Beaglehole B. oVRcome – Self-guided virtual reality for specific phobias: A randomised controlled trial. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;57(5):736-744. doi:10.1177/00048674221110779