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Welcome to the
oVRcome 7-Day Challenge
This product has been developed by oVRcome to deliver a little stress relief, once a day, by email.
Each email will have a short activity for you to complete. Your challenge is to complete the daily task. It's that easy! At the end of the week, the aim is for you to have learned 7 skills which you can now use in your everyday life to cope a little more, and feel a little better.
Although we've designed the challenge for people suffering from specific phobia, the skills you learn will benefit you even if you'd just like to understand how to manage general fear and anxiety, or have trouble relaxing or unwinding.
It's free!
Choose a phobia below to start your 7-day challenge
Do you find yourself avoiding social situations?
Does the thought of a spider make your skin crawl?
Do you start sweating at the idea of flying?
Is the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine worrying you?
Does the thought of walking past a dog make you freeze up?
Do you get nervous when approaching a bridge?
We hope you enjoy the oVRcome 7-Day Challenge!
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